Wednesday, July 16, 2008

20 Reasons NOT to Have a Cell Phone

1)Cell phones are stupid.
2)When people talk on them they do stupid things.
3)When I call someone on a cell phone they are usually doing something else and don't really pay attention.
4)Everyone takes all this time up texting when it talks a lot less time to make a call.
5)The signal sound and reception suck.
6)Cell phones cost you an average of $50 to $100 a month.
7)You Have to PAY FOR MINUTES??!!!!
8)People with cell phones are always telling you how great their cell phone is.
9)Girls use them to hide from guys.
10)Guys use them to find girls.
11)If you have one, it always rings right at the wrong time.
12)When you are waiting for a call back,it never rings.
13)Ringtones are dumb.
14)Cameras are cameras, not phones.
15)Anyone who watches a movie on a cell phone should be committed.
16)They are listening to your calls.
17)Your monthly charges feed greedy corporations.
18)A recent Swedish study concluded that cell phones injure fetuses.
19)Some studies show that cell phones give you brain cancer.
20)Cell phones are used as leashes and monitors by nosy spouses,tracking devices by employers,and evidence by the police.

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